Strategic Relationships

A Holistic Approach

At Deca, we understand the importance of a comprehensive ecosystem, which is why we have forged strategic relationships across the industry. We firmly believe that collaboration is the key to unlocking the full potential of innovation. By working hand-in-hand with our industry-leading partners, we create a cohesive network allowing us to integrate technologies seamlessly, streamline processes, and ensure compatibility across product offerings. Through our commitment to these collaborative relationships, we provide our customers with a holistic and user-friendly experience that ensures success.

Uniting Industry Leaders

Our strategic relationships encompass industry-leading equipment suppliers, manufacturing service companies, EDA vendors, and IP providers. These strategic alliances empower us to offer our customers access to the most advanced solutions, enabling them to leverage the combined strengths of our partners and our own technology.

Follow the links below to explore our current partnerships

Interested in expanding your strategic relationships?

We are always excited to explore new collaboration opportunities and contribute to the growth and success of partners and customers alike.

Please contact us to begin discussions.

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