Manufacturing Service Providers (OSATs, Foundries)
Gain access to the leading M-Series™ fan-out and Adaptive Patterning® technologies. Our unique technology transfer and license agreement (TTLA) methodology goes beyond traditional models to ensure your success. A complete knowledge base of materials, processes, equipment, and operational methods provides a proven path for your implementation. Adopt the comprehensive M-Series and Adaptive Patterning® (AP) technology suite or apply the power of AP alone to enhance your performance. Scale your feature sizes, enhance your yield, and optimize your electrical integrity to new levels across the wide spectrum of embedded chips-first and hybrid chips-first, chips-last device structures.
Semiconductor Companies (Fabless, IDM, Design Services)
Create breakthrough products with high-density interconnect, heterogeneous integration, and chiplets today. Design all copper interconnects with the finest lines and densest vias in your chips-first or chips-middle structures leveraging the unprecedented design-during-manufacturing (DDM) capabilities enabled by Adaptive Patterning®.
Achieve unparalleled design flexibility through direct-write mask-less lithography coupled with Adaptive Patterning®, removing reticle-size limitations, and providing unlimited layout possibilities. Minimize signal lengths, crosstalk, and joules-per-bit in your high-speed designs. Utilize leading EDA tools integrated with AP Studio to deliver first-pass success on new products with a proven Adaptive Patterning® design kit (APDK).
Equipment Suppliers
Delivering a complete turn-key solution is your goal and we are here to help. Through seamless integration of our Adaptive Patterning® technology with your proven process solutions, customers are ready from the moment your equipment hits the fab floor.
Introduce your technology into the AP Live ecosystem with direct integration of the AP Connect embedded software within your equipment. A technology supply and license agreement (TSLA) allows you to gain access to the software, technology, and knowledge base required to deliver a complete Adaptive Patterning® solution to your customers.